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WASCLA and Department of Natural Resources host listening session on SHB 2561

Department of Natural Resources (DNR) listening session August 1st from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

This is an opportunity to learn about DNR's plan to improve communications with LEP individuals during a wildfire response and to share your input and feedback.  Please join us in this important work by joining a conference call on August 1st at 5 p.m.

The Washington State Wildland Fire Advisory Committee (Committee) has been tasked by the legislature (SHB 2561, available here) with developing plans to better protect non-English speaking residents during wildfire emergencies.  In order to accomplish this, the Committee is focusing on guidelines and practices that support better coordination and communication with limited English proficient (LEP) individuals during wildfires.  As an advisory body to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, the Committee is further focused on LEP guidelines and practices that can be implemented by the Department of Natural Resources to accomplish the mission of protecting LEP residents during wildfire emergencies. This is where we need your input! 


To read SHB 2561 go to the WASCLA Library/ Click HERE